Complete your last will work, keeping your assets in trustworthy hands and not having to go through a lengthy probate process in California.
The Renewable Life Trust is a tool of state planning used after your death to share your legacy with your loved ones, well-wishers, and the organizations you represent.
In order to take full benefit of your revocable living trust, you have to hand over all your wealth and assets to this trust during your lifetime. Once you (the grantor and initial trustee of the faith) have died, a successor will distribute your wealth as you wish, as stated in the agreement of trust.
Prevent probiotics
Reduce hassles, costs, and delays during the probate process and ensure all your wishes are fulfilled, easy, and 100% free.
Protect your privacy
Leave all your financial assets to your heirs without taking them to public action.
Plan together
Build good relationships with your spouse’s well-wishers so that they can take care of you as well as your children and others in need.