If you are not ready for this, keep your financial account within reach and pay all the bills by appointing a trusted person to decide the amount on your behalf. A sustainable financial power of attorney is a document that allows you to appoint someone (called your "agent") to look after your belongings if you cannot do so for yourself. The name consists of three parts: First, the authority you give to your agent is called "power of attorney." Second, the "financial" power of attorney controls the individual's financial affairs. This differs from the "health, care" power of attorney, for example, which gives the power to make medical decisions about the owner. After all, "sustainable" power of attorney remains valid even when its maker is physically or mentally disabled.
Provide for your family’s ongoing expenses
Take care of your healthcare and insurance bills
Handle your taxes and file them on your behalf
Keep your business or businesses running
Manage real estate property you may own
Oversee your insurance and retirement accounts
...and many more!
The procedure takes only 20 minutes to complete the information required to create your SFPA.
The information you write is matched with the correct language of our legal forms and is returned to you as a printable SFPA.
A set of details of all the instructions will be included with your printable SFPA, outlining all the steps you must take to formally sign, testify and notarize your SFPA under your state's laws. You will have to pick it up. Follow these guidelines to make your SFPA fully official. Now your SFPA is entirely legal.
Why is EcoWill free?
The free services are made possible by the collaboration of non-profit organizations. Many of our testators think to leave a portion of their property to charity, and we hope you will consider doing the same.
Do I need any other documents?
You may want to consider creating or updating a will. It’s another way to support the people important to you, and a great way to create your legacy by leaving money to great causes too.
Is it legally effective?
Yes! Documents created using EcoWill are subject to the relevant rule on your locality.
Can I change my SFPA?
Yes, you have the right to cancel or terminate your SFPA at any time, as long as you are mentally or physically fit. Your cancellation can be completed with a signed letter, which can be delivered to your agent and any third party (such as banks) with whom your SFPA has been shared.